Terms and Condition

Hey Buddy!

These terms and conditions apply to your use of the EVee Buddy website, found at eveebuddy.com. By using our website, you agree to follow these terms. If you don’t agree, please stop using the site.

We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. By using EVee Buddy, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy.

We own the content on EVee Buddy, unless otherwise stated. You’re welcome to browse, but please don’t republish, sell, or copy our content without permission.

User Comments
We’re not responsible for user comments on the site. The views expressed in comments belong to the user who posted them. We can remove any comment that doesn’t follow our guidelines.

Links to Our Site
Certain organizations, like search engines and government agencies, may link to our site without asking first. Other links might need our approval. If you’d like to link to our site, please email us with your details.

Content Liability
We’re not responsible for content that appears on other websites that link to EVee Buddy. If you find any link on our site offensive, let us know.

We do our best to keep the information on EVee Buddy accurate and up to date, but we don’t guarantee it. Use the website at your own risk; we’re not liable for any damages.

These terms may change from time to time, so check back for updates.