Points To Remember Before EV Touring,EV long_drive checklist,long drive with EV,checklist for a smooth EV long drive

EV Charging Guidelines and Optimization

  • It is advisable to charge the vehicle to 100% each time you charge it.

  • After a maximum of four continuous fast charging cycles or opportunity charging cycles (where the SOC was below 100%), it is mandatory to use slow/AC charging to reach 100% SOC.

  • Slow/AC charging to 100% SOC is essential at least once a month or after every four fast/opportunity charging cycles, whichever comes first, for SOC calibration and cell balancing.

  • Avoid charging the vehicle in heavy rain or thunderstorms.

  • Do not drive the vehicle when the SOC is below 10%.

Optimize the distribution of slow and fast charging to:

  • Enhance battery life.
  • Ensure consistent vehicle and battery performance.
  • Maximize driving range.
  • Minimize the use of fast charging to prolong the high-voltage battery's life.